Monday, January 3, 2011

I'll Tell You a Secret

Mine and Trey's birthday celebration for him involved these little babies. Trey had the one on the left.

Despite continuing to work out harder and more consistently than I ever have in my life, I have eaten complete and utter crap for the past couple of weeks. I won't lie and say it wasn't fun, but it's time to get back to clean eating. Plus, I'm starting a 1,500 cal. diet to really boost my progress.

Trey and I made homemade peanut butter cups for our families for Christmas. We had a few bites. They were phenomenal. Want to learn to make them? Click this link.

My big secret
So why am I doing all of this working out and dieting? Most people would say I don't have any or much weight to lose. Remember when I withheld a super, awesome secret? Here it is: I'm studying to be a personal trainer. I've completed 14 chapters in my course, with four left to go. After I complete the course, I'll review, put it all to memory and take the certification exam.

I plan to get started training people within the next three months and also plan to give my notice at work in a month's time. This is all in preparation for moving, getting a tenant in our house and starting my "new life," all of which I'm looking forward to.

 This is the third step in the process -- filling the cups with whipped and sugared peanut butter. Yum!

This is what the cups looked like before they were hardened in the freezer. You have to eat them fast, because they return to this gooey state pretty quickly.

A word about diets
In most cases I don't advocate "diets." Instead, I believe lifestyle changes are the only way to go when it comes to making lasting changes: balanced meals, fresh foods, greatly reduced consumption of processed foods and regular exercise.

However, for people with medical conditions like high blood pressure or other deadly issues, it is a great idea to get on the fast track to health with a "diet." And for those who like me are already committed to a healthy lifestyle, a quick (a few weeks to one month) diet to lower body fat and let those hard-earned muscles show is a bonus.

Healthy vs. Junk Foods
So if I've inspired you to exercise and eat right yet tempted you with these gorgeous treats in the photos, my apologies. Just remember that even "healthy" people can have treats once in a while. A good rule of thumb is to eat healthfully 90 percent of the time and treat yourself the other 10 percent. Trey and I eat healthy for six days and on the sixth day we *savor* something truly decadent, yet we eat reasonable portions. No heaping slices, mega scoops or seconds!

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