Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Beauty of Losing it All

Photo by Bushie

Ah, look at this scene. A lone bird on a bare branch. A bright, clear day. Peace. Tranquility. Unfortunately these qualities haven't resembled my life lately. Instead, it's chaos, clutter and messes in the Crowe household. That's because Trey and I have unearthed boxes from the garage and storage in an attempt to pare down -- way down.

As we will move in about a month to temporary housing, where we'll stay until we move to Austin in May, it's necessary for our backs and sanity to get rid of as much stuff as possible. It's unbelievable how much junk we had -- and still have left to go through.

Above is the pile of things we got rid of the other day. Now more than ever it is clear to me that purchasing and collecting things you don't need is a waste of time, energy, money and useful space, which is probably why it's been so easy for me to dispose of the stuff. However, figuring out what to do with cast-offs can be tricky. Trey and I have decided it all goes to either Goodwill or the trash. We are relying on Goodwill to (hopefully) keep most of what we donate out of the landfill.

If you think the first photo was bad, this pile (above) was collected from a single closet. Shockingly, or shall I say appallingly, there is probably three times as much for us to dispose of. To think that Trey and I moved all of this junk from our old house to our current home and then proceeded to store it for three years without so much as missing it is a little sickening. What was the point of keeping it?

I only wish I had the photos of the table full of stuff I gave away a half year ago. That would really drive home my point. But I think exhibit A and B will be sufficient for the time being. Every haul we rid ourselves of I get closer to grasping a more lasting feeling of peace. Clear the clutter; clear the mind.

By the time we move I hope to have only five boxes of personal items, not including clothing (although my wardrobe is sparse, too). I promise to take photos on moving day to hold myself accountable to my one reader -- or two?

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