Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Simple Saturday Brings Us Together

It's my first Saturday at home in weeks -- a good feeling. I laid on the couch and took in the home view. Saturday mornings offer -- for me -- the best moments in life. It's like this: no obligations, my husband, my dogs and me ... in the living room ... TV on ...  several cups of coffee. It's beautiful really. At times I feel like scrapping the cable bill, but then, it's just easy comfort. It's really a tough call, you see.

Today started in true good-Saturday fashion. Trey and I watched a travel show, Bordain?, and then we took the dogs for a walk in the neighborhood. The morning was unseasonably cool, and the girls -- Peanut and Lulu -- were uncharacteristically calm on their leashes.

Rather, I should say Peanut was calm. (Lulu is always a good girl.) Peanut is part chihuahua, part Dachshund. The chihuahua in her comes out at times, causing her to be all jumpy, kind of like bacon cooking on a hot skillet. The girls trotted side by side. It was heart-breakingly cute. I imagine that if they could talk they'd sing all along the way.

"Dum, de, dum, de, dum."
"Doy, de, doy, de, doy."
"Ooh! A squirrel!"

Later, my dad came over. We made a late lunch -- Mexican breakfast tacos. Meanwhile Lulu begged for morsels of food.There she is (above) giving the innocent eyes to her daddy, while grandpa cooks. After lunch, Dad and I made Mexican wedding cookies, taking breaks to catch some college football on the tube. Peanut sat in grandpa's lap whenever she could.

While all this action was going on in the kitchen, Trey was in and out, prepping to brew beer in the backyard with a friend.

A new propane tank, a crawfish boiler, plenty of beer to drink and he was set.

And so were Dad and I.

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